Special Needs
Sandi Francis
For many people, the onset of spring and
summer also means the onset of allergy season.
Allergies occur when the body has an abnormally
high reaction to what can sometimes be considered harmless substances.
In an allergic person, the immune system reacts when an allergen or harmful
invader is absorbed into their body. This causes a series of events which
culminate with the body releasing histamine, which is what causes allergic
symptoms. Allergic symptoms include:
dark circles under eyes
varied attention span
itchy, watery eyes
runny nose
Some of the most common allergies are to foods, medications,
pollens, insect stings, and moulds. People can have one allergy or virtually
In some people who have severe allergies, ANAPHYLAXIS
or ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION can be a life-threatening concern. This occurs
when an extreme reaction to an allergen causes the person to have breathing
problems, swelling, a sudden drop in blood pressure, hives, wheezing,
tingling in the mouth, vomiting, diarrhoea, flushing, or an asthma attack.
One or all of these can mean anaphylactic reaction, which
can progress rapidly to the throat swelling closed, weakness and dizziness,
loss of consciousness or death. People with these extreme allergies often
carry epinephrine in the form of an injection called an EPI-PEN. Always
know who in your Unit carries an epi-pen, where it is, and how to use
it. This applies to girls and adults.
Always consider allergies a severe medical condition and
work with the parents to ensure a safe environment.
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Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada Vision, Mission,
Values, Promise and Law
Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada, the organization of choice for girls
and women, makes a positive difference in the life of every girl and woman
who experiences Guiding so she can contribute responsibly to her
Girl Guides of
Canada-Guides du Canada is a Movement of girls and women that challenges
Members in their personal development and empowers them to be responsible
I promise to do my best,
To be true to myself, my God/faith* and Canada;
I will help others,
And accept the Guiding Law.
*Choose either the word God or the word faith according to your personal
The Guiding Law challenges me to:
be honest and trustworthy
use my resources wisely
respect myself and others
recognize and use my talents and abilities
protect our common environment
live with courage and strength
share in the sisterhood of Guiding.