Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Clue 1
Clue 2
Clue 3
Clue 4
Clue 4
Clue 3
Clue 2
Clue 1
Clue 2
Clue 4
Clue 1
Clue 3
Clue 3
Clue 1
Clue 4
Clue 2
You would have the cell phone numbers written on the grid.
When Team 1 finds Clue 1 they would call the team that is to find Clue 1(Team 4) on the second round, when Team 2 finds Clue 2 they would call the team that is to find Clue 2 (Team 3) on the second round, when Team 3 finds Clue 3 they would call the team that is find Clue 3 (Team 2)on the second round and when Team 4 finds Clue 4 they would call the team that is to find the Clue 4 ont he second round (Team 1)
Continue the same for the other rounds.
Again, have a firm finishing time and if a team is late the leaders call and find the girls and bring them back.
There is a set of clues for each team.
Have the girls find the first clue on their list, and then call back to the leaders to get their second clue, and when they find that they call back to get their third clue and so on.
At the end of this version have each team explain where they went and what they found to the other teams.
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Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada, the organization of choice for girls and women, makes a positive difference in the life of every girl and woman who experiences Guiding so she can contribute responsibly to her communities. |
I promise to do my best, To be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada. I will take action for a better world And respect the Guiding Law. |
The Guiding Law challenges me to: be honest and trustworthy use my resources wisely respect myself and others recognize and use my talents and abilities protect our common environment live with courage and strength share in the sisterhood of Guiding. |