Bright Ideas - Program
Science Ideas for Brownies and GuidesSet these activities up as a round robin and have the girls do each activity in small groups. An adult or Pathfinder or Senior Branch Member should be supervising each table. Is it full? Materials:
2 large jars - the same size
Have the girls fill the two jars in the following orders - one they start with the rocks, then the stones, then the gravel, then the sand and finally the water. The second they start with the sand, then the gravel, then the stones, then the rocks and finally the water.
Shake the jars lightly between each size of item
Have the girls discuss why there is more left over when you start with the smaller items then when you start with the larger items. Pepper and soap Materials
a cake pan with about 1/2" of water in it
Pennies and Water
a clear drinking glass - filled to the top with water
Place the glass inside a shallow pan Have the girls first drop pennies straight into the middle of the glass until it flows over - count how many it takes
Refill the glass to the top and have the girls carefully drop the pennies
into the glass by sliding them down the side. Watch the water and see what it
does. How many pennies does it take before the water over flows.
Two clear glasses filled with water
In one glass put a couple of drops of oil
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