Bright Ideas -
Daughter/Mother/Grandmother Tea Party
I am a Spark and Brownie leader from Oshawa, Ontario.
Recycling is a big part of my crafting ideas.
Daughter/ Mother (Grandmother) Tea Party
This is ideal for all branches including adults.
We had each girl make a garden bonnet for herself and mom as well as
invitations at a previous meeting.( paper plates or straw hats )
The pair would bake a treat together at home for the tea party.
The hall was set up with tables and chairs (4 per table), decorated with
flowers, tea pots (filled with juice..... actual tea provided at another table)
tea cups (or Styrofoam cups) and place cards.
The place cards were set so moms could meet new moms they normally would not
interact with.
Word games or memory games ( the girls input on what type of games) were
played. Name that flower was very interesting for moms..... the girls won that
round.( lol).
This theme could go many, many different ways.
It was one of our funniest and best meetings.
Note: My daughter is in my Spark unit. We gave her the option of inviting
Grandma or that I would not be a leader that night, I would be Mommy. Being a
Guider is great (my daughter loves it) but being a Mommy is a blessing. The
other leaders will understand, whether you are the Contact Guider or not. BE A
Scheshawna Lemaire
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Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada, the organization of choice for girls
and women, makes a positive difference in the life of every girl and woman
who experiences Guiding so she can contribute responsibly to her
Girl Guides of
Canada-Guides du Canada
enables girls to be
confident, resourceful and courageous, and to make a difference in the world.
I promise to do my best,
To be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada.
I will take action for a better world
And respect the Guiding Law.
The Guiding Law challenges me to:
be honest and trustworthy
use my resources wisely
respect myself and others
recognize and use my talents and abilities
protect our common environment
live with courage and strength
share in the sisterhood of Guiding.